Jun 28, 2010

Monday Teaser

Hey everyone! Sabrina here, Happy Monday! Did you have a good weekend? I hope my good vibes of sunshine met you where ever you were! 
 I thought I would drop by and just give you a little peek at what Monday at the CrazyScraps Blog is going to look like...

Cute huh!  *evil giggle*... What do you all think?
OMG... I am so excited for all the stuff that is soon to hit this blog... It is going to BLOW YOUR MINDS!

But... I do have a question for you all.... What would YOU like to see happen here?
Any feedback would be great so that we can fit your ideas in before we launch!

I am beginning to wonder if there are any people who sit around scrapbooking all day... Like me?  We are still looking for 2 talented ladies or gentlemen to join our team! Don't be a scare-D cat... apply... you never know you may just love it!

Thanx Everyone... and as usual SCRAP CRAZY!

Jun 10, 2010

More FuN coming SoOn! & DT CALL

Hey all you Crazy Scrappers! 

We have great news.

Pretty soon our Gallery and Message board will be updated and ready for your arrival! YAY!
There is nothing better than sharing inspiration with the world.

I also want to let everyone in on some TOP SECRET news that's been spinning behind the scenes at CrazyScraps. We are busy working on some GREAT TREATS.
There will be daily postings with fun and games attached.

So with that being said, We are looking for 2 talented Crazy Scrappers to join in on the "behind the scenes" adventure we are about to embark upon.

Here are some requests for the DT CALL applicants:

1-  Loves to do ALOT of tutorials.
2-  Loves to create "crafty" videos.
3-  Loves to dabble in creating original digital designs. (scrapbook and vector images)
4-  Can Create 2 posts per week
5-  Loves to blog with at least 1 year of experience.
6-  Create Many different types of projects (layouts, mini albums, altered art, etc.)
7-  Be willing to promote CrazyScraps on Personal blog and on any social networks you are affiliated with.

WOW! That was a longer list than even I expected. But I don't expect a Superhero to apply (even though that would be awesome!). So if you can accomplish a few things on this list... please apply for this DT CALL.

If you are interested in joining the team please email me with answers to the above questions. Please include a short bio. And your blog address.

Thank you for stopping by. Come back soon!
As Always.... Scrap Crazy!

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