Hey everyone! Sabrina here, Happy Monday! Did you have a good weekend? I hope my good vibes of sunshine met you where ever you were!
I thought I would drop by and just give you a little peek at what Monday at the CrazyScraps Blog is going to look like...
Cute huh! *evil giggle*... What do you all think?
OMG... I am so excited for all the stuff that is soon to hit this blog... It is going to BLOW YOUR MINDS!
But... I do have a question for you all.... What would YOU like to see happen here?
Any feedback would be great so that we can fit your ideas in before we launch!
I am beginning to wonder if there are any people who sit around scrapbooking all day... Like me? We are still looking for 2 talented ladies or gentlemen to join our team! Don't be a scare-D cat... apply... you never know you may just love it!
Thanx Everyone... and as usual SCRAP CRAZY!